I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.

I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.
Donna DeNoble

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Riding Just as Good For the Over-Forty Crowd as for Youth

From http://www.horseplaytherapeuticriding.org/

Good Things

  • Strengthens weak, atrophied or unused muscles
  • Relaxes tight, spastic and rigid muscles
  • Normalizes muscle tone
  • Increases flexibility
  • Assists in acquiring balance and normal "righting" patterns
  • Moves pelvis, hips and torso in a "normal" walking pattern
  • Improves posture
  • Increases blood/oxygen flow to all areas, including heart and brain
  • Increases lung capacity, thereby improving speech
  • Increases neural and proprioceptive input
  • Improves fine and gross motor coordination
  • Increases endorphin and seratonin levels in the brain

Cognitive Impact

  • Improves body awareness and spatial relationships
  • Improves hand/eye coordination
  • Improves sensory integration skills
  • Improves fine and gross motor planning and skills
  • Improves decision making through natural consequences

Psychological Impact

  • Improves self worth and self-esteem
  • Improves relationships
  • Improves independence
  • Improves social awareness
  • Reinforces proper social skills
  • Improves "team" playing
  • Provides empowerment

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