I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.

I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.
Donna DeNoble

Friday, January 25, 2008

January Movie Night preview

Tonight we will be watching some trainers explain how to begin developing a relationship with your horse. Amy and I chose this topic for the get-together tonight because it is really too cold to ride hard in the outdoor ring, so the relationship exercises are the perfect "play" to establish who is leading who. Having established a good sound relationship on the ground, it is just a matter of transfering the same mannerisms to the riding position.

Here is a link to a wonderful introductory broadcast from NickerNetwork

The difference between learning horsemanship and just learning to ride will become quite evident from this video. If you can, see if you can view this before tonight so we can discuss it.

See you later

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