I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.

I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.
Donna DeNoble

Saturday, January 26, 2008

AHP Member Named Host of Equine Radio Show

Ft. Lauderdale, FL -- AHP member Audrey Pavia, a former editor of Horse Illustrated and author of "Horses for Dummies," has been named host of a 30-minute radio show called Horsing Around on PetLifeRadio.com. The show is available as a free download in iTunes, Odeo, Podcast Alley and on the PetLifeRadio.com website. Horsing Around is part of the PetLifeRadio.com network of fun and informative pet podcast network featuring the
country's top pet experts.

Horsing Around will cover just about everything on the subject of horses, including veterinary, training and breed topics. Each episode will feature a guest expert.

For more information about Horsing Around, contact audrey@petliferadio.com. To listen to the show, go to http://www.petliferadio.com and click on "Horsing Around."

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