I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.

I don't teach about horses, the horses do the teaching...if only we would listen to them.
Donna DeNoble

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Interacting with the horse becomes a lifelong journey. Many years are spent developing a relationship with your horse. More years are necessary to develop the skills it takes to progress through a riding program. Some have spent decades, and some have spent a lifetime. As one level is mastered, there is ALWAYS more to learn--about the horse, about yourself, and about life lessons in general. That is why horses become more than just a means of travel, or a sport. They become a confidant, and partner, a friend. At Cadence Horsemanship we emphasize the journey. We encourage relationships with horses, whether it be for a reason or a season....Come live the dream every little girl has...to know and be known by horses. Feel free to share the dream and tell us how horses have changed your life.

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